Meet Our Veterinary Technicians

Employee Name: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Janet 

Job Position: Registered Veterinary Technician

Degree: Associate in Applied Science

College: Jefferson College

Job Responsibilities: Orders hospital inventory, medical equipment management, process labratory samples, taking xrays and surgical team member.

Why did you choose this field: Love of animals and seeing them from their first visit and as they grow up

How many years at AAH: 43 years

Been in field since: 1978

Family: Husband and daughter

Hobbies: Gardening, riding bikes, shopping with my daughter, fishing, and watching my nephews play sports

Pets in household: 2 Chihuahuas named Luna and Olive and one cat named Vinny Bobarino


Employee Name: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Sarah

Job Position: Registered Veterinary Technician

DegreeAssociate of Applied Science

CollegeJefferson College

Job Responsibilities: Client communications & patient care, process labratory samples, taking xrays and surgical team member.

Why did you choose this field: My love for animals and caring for them

How many years at AAH: 2003

Been in field since: 2003

Pets in household: Briar Rose (German Shorthair Pointer), Batgirl (Holland Lop Rabbit)


Employee Name: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Jessy 

Job Position: Registered Veterinary Technician

Degree: Associate in Applied Science

College: Jefferson College

Job Responsibilities: Client education, process labratory samples, taking xrays and surgical team member.

Why did you choose this field: I have a love of animals and science

How many years at AAH: 2014

Been in field since: 2014

Pets in household: Coonhound Mix, Mia Hamm & Labrador Retriever Mix, Wayne Rooney



Employee Name: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Caitlynn 

Job Position: Registered Veterinary Technician

Degree: Associate in Applied Science

College: Jefferson College

Job Responsibilities: Patient care that involves processing labratory samples, taking xrays and surgical team member.

Why did you choose this field: I have a love for animals

How many years at AAH: 5 years

Been in field since: 2016

Pets in household: 1 dog and 3 cats





Employee Name: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Anna 

Job Position: Registered Veterinary Technician

Degree: Associate of Applied Science

College: Jefferson College

Job Responsibilities: Provide excellent nursing care to all patients, process labratory samples, taking xrays and surgical team member.

Why did you choose this field: I love helping pets in need and creating relationship with the community

How many years at AAH: 2020

Been in field since: 2016

Family: Husband and 2 children

Hobbies: Reading and Hiking

Pets in Household: 2 dogs and 2 cats





Employee name: Madison
Job PositionRegistered Veterinary Technician
Degree:  Associate of Applied Science
College: Jefferson College
Job Responsibilities: Client communication, patient care, proces lab samples, taking radiographs, and monitor anesthesia.
Why did you choose this field? Love for animals and love for science! Wanting to help those who can't tell us what's wrong.
Been in animal care field since: 2020
Hobbies: Gardening, reading, and listening to music.
Pets in household: Three dogs named Tucker (Akita), Jax( Mix breed), and Buddy (Mix breed).
Employee Name: Destinee
Job Position: Registered Veterinary Technician
College: Jefferson College
Job Responsibilities: Collect and process laboratory samples, take radiographs, provide patient care, monitor anesthesia, and surgical team member.
Why did you choose this field? My love and interest in animal medical science.
Been in the animal care field since: 2020
Hobbies: Fostering kittens, concerts, gardening, and animal rescue.
Pets in household: Three kitties named Yeti, Cricket, and Gremlin.
Employee Name: Alexis
Job Position: Registered Veterinary Technologist 
College: Murray State University
Job Responsibilities: Provide excellent client education and patient care which includes collecting and processing laboratory supplies, and taking radiographs. Also responsible for maintenance and quality control on our laboratory equipment. 
Why did you choose this field? My passion and love for animals. More specifically, to advocate and be each animal's voice when needed.
Been in the animal care field since: 2019
Family: Husband and twin daughters
Hobbies: Working out at the gym, binge watching Netflix, and constantly finding way to keep my twins entertained.
Pets in household: One German Shepherd mix named Stella
Name: Johnny 
Job Position: Registered Veterinary Technician 
Degree: Associates in Science 
College: Midwest Institute
Job responsibilities: Client education, patient care, monitor anesthesia, and part of the surgical team.
Why did you choose this field? This field has chosen me.
Been in the animal care field since: 2022
Family: My mother was a zookeeper at the St. Louis Zoo for 25 years and my father was an electrical manager at the St. Louis Zoo for 23 years.
Hobbies: Fishing, video games, gardening, and enjoying time with family.
Pets in household: My household is shared with eight dogs, two donkeys, two macaws, one parrot, four pigs, three sheep, two cat , and five fish